This story sent by Todd James to the CHGPA listserv on 5/8/97.

Well folks, it finally happened!

Feb. 2nd....hang II acheived
Rest of Feb.....try to get a high luck
All of march....same
All of April....ditto

May 8th....Myself, my wife and baby met Judy M. in Harrisburg for the trek to Jacks Mountain. Looking at the winds as we were getting close, we decided we needed more ballast, so we stopped at the ballast palace (McDonalds). Tanked up on grease, we arrived at Jacks and previewed the site. Judy decided she would go first to show me what she expected. She launched and went straight for the lz, aircraft approach, and landed. We scurried down to the bottom for the retrieve.

My first flight was launch, fly straight, realize I am overcontrolling, relax, set-up and land.

Flight 2. Launch, make a right turn to fly a little bit down the ridge, turn back to launch. I realize I am out of the lift zone but snuggled into my comfort zone, I decide not to try to soar and head out to land.

Flight 3. Launch. Conditions were a little stronger but seemed more stable. Turned right..discovered I was still at launch altitude!! Had a near-miss with a pair of red-tailed hawks. Turned around and crossed launch at launch altitude. Continued down the ridge for a little bit...turned around....I WAS ABOVE LAUNCH!!!!! 55 minutes later, freezing,muscles aching from shivering, I was setting up to land. What do you know, these things really do fly!

Score for the day: 3 flights; 1 soaring flight; 1 flight with hawks (I was looking forward to this); 65 minutes total airtime.

