Before a student hang glider pilot can soar for hours and climb thousands of feet in crisp mountain air, he or she must first learn the basics of flight.

Stages of Learning: 1. All USHGA certified hang gliding instruction first involves a student attending a ground-school. In this classroom style instruction the pilot learns the fundamentals of aerodynamics: how and why the hang glider flys. Hang gliding history and the effects of the wind (weather) on flight are also touched upon. The emphasis is placed on how to launch, control, and land the glider.

A ground-school is offered every month (year round) prior to the MHGA meeting. Ground-school instruction takes only one evening, and is approximately two hours long. This interesting class will prepare you for your first training hill flight.

2. Prior to getting his or her feet off the ground, a student (under the guidance of an instructor) practices how to correctly hold, balance, and run with the glider in ground-handling. (Without an engine the pilot must run to get a hang glider up to flying speed - quite similar to how an airplane speeds down an airstrip until it is flying fast enough to take-off.) The student also dons a harness to rehearse in-flight control movements.

A ground-handing session if offered every month, spring through fall, prior to the MHGA meeting. The majority of students quickly feel comfortable with ground- handing and are anxious for their first on-the-hill lesson.

3. With a certified instructor on the training hill a student learns the physical movements needed to launch, fly in a straight, level path, and land. During the first lesson a student stays safely low to the ground, BUT THE EXHILARATION OF THOSE FIRST FLIGHTS IS ELEVATING!

Students progress at their own speed and each instructional flight is carefully critiqued. During instruction, all the necessary equipment is supplied by the instructional school. When you're ready to purchase your own gear, it is relatively inexpensive. An easy to fly novice level hang glider is low-priced, and used equipment is often available. Ask your instructor for details.

Hang gliding is a skill oriented sport with unprecedented rewards. The pilots of the MHGA want to help, advise, and encourage others in their aspirations of flight. Come share the sky with us and chase the clouds.

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